The recently inaugurated Lennar Foundation Center at City of Hope O.C. is a newly completed cancer center that cost $1 billion to make. The place is now spreading the message of hope for September. In the process, City of Hope has set up the iconic hot air balloon of Irvine in the Great Park, alongside a special message in standing with cancer survivors and families.

On August 22, health experts within FivePoint leadership and City of Hope gathered with patients to reveal the new design of the balloon. Dan Hedigan, CEO of FivePoint, stated that adding City of Hope O.C. changes the game, taking cancer care quality to  “new heights.”

“We are honored to stand alongside their team and support their life-saving mission because it will have such an enormous impact on the lives of people in Irvine, the region and around the world,” Hedigan said.

Annette M. Walker of City of Hope O.C., explained that the expression “Rise Above Cancer” falls within an initiative between FivePoint and City of Hope O.C.

Walker added that the new message is a chance for the 3.2 million residents of O.C. to come together in eradicating the diseases from their ranks, through encouraging residents to avail regular health screenings so that any cancer can be caught in the early stages.

“Cancer touches us all,” she said. “Advanced cancer care and groundbreaking research are helping turn the tide against cancer, and we’re asking everyone in Orange County to ‘Rise Above Cancer’ with us. Everyone in the community, including our friends and family, can share in this hope on the horizon. Let’s work together to lift our community to new heights of hope and health.”

Irvine Mayor Farrah Khan invited City of Hope O.C. to Irvine, stating she is thrilled that the latter is able to support this innovative health care addition as well as modern research in O.C.

“The City of Irvine is thrilled to welcome City of Hope to our community. Since arriving in Orange
County, City of Hope has been a dedicated partner committed to improving the health and well-being here,” she said. “Rising above cancer is important to every one of us.”

Looking to welcome its earliest patients come late August, City of Hope O.C. will at the time have over 60 exam rooms and 43 infusion bays, the latter having been designed with patient input. There will also be the Hope Boutique, which will comprise a full-service salon that will have oncology-trained cosmetologists helping patients in the form of customized cosmetology services such as breast prostheses and others.

Physician-in-chief Edward S. Kim, M.D., M.B.A. echoed what walker said, explaining that “preventing cancer is the best way to beat it. As we welcome our first patients to City of Hope Orange County Lennar Foundation Cancer Center, we are beginning a new era of hope in our fight against this disease.”