On Tuesday, January 10, Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-Irvine) declared her bid for the U.S. Senate in a video statement posted to YouTube. In a highly contested race, Porter defeated Orange County Republican Scott Baugh to become the representative for the 47th Congressional District in November. Porter received 51.72% of the vote to Baugh’s 48.28% in the final results.

Porter declared his campaign for the United States Senate in 2024, saying, “California needs a warrior in Washington. I don’t approach Congress the way many people do. According to Porter, in addition to challenging the status quo, she uses whatever influence she has to speak the truth to those in positions of authority and demand justice. That holds true for taking on Wall Street, the major financial institutions, Big Oil, and Big Pharma.

By making the declaration, Porter will try to unseat California Senator Dianne Feinstein, who hasn’t declared her intention to run for office again in 2024. When Feinstein’s six-year tenure is up in 2024, she will be 91 years old. Her party has chastised her for continuing to hold the seat despite showing signs of aging.

Following Porter’s statement, Baugh said on Twitter that he would compete for re-election as the representative for the 47th Congressional District in 2024.