Orange County keeps battling the spike in coronavirus cases, even as it sees double-digit fatalities more than two times over the past week.

As of January 28, 2022, Orange County Health Care Agency (HCA) registered 4,751 coronavirus disease cases and 29 COVID-19 fatalities. It is the highest daily fatality count over a single week in OC. On January 27, 2022, HCA reported 31 coronavirus-related deaths.

There are over 500,000 coronavirus cases and 6,066 COVID-19 fatalities as per the HCA coronavirus dashboard on January 28, 2022, a Friday.

When it comes to hospitalizations, 1,022 individuals are hospitalized with coronavirus disease in OC. Up to 178 of them are ICU occupants. Capacity in the ICU is still under 20%, whereas only 58% of ICU ventilators are available.

As of January 24, 2022, up to 2,385,501 people in OC are completely vaccinated, whereas 1,095,438 people have also been boosted.

From January 18 to 25, 2022, Irvine city had 3,292 coronavirus cases. It increased the cumulative total in the city to as many as 31,713, by January 28, 2022, a Friday.

The steep coronavirus spikes from earlier in January 2022 are starting to flatten. However, health officials in OC are urging caution about the capability of the healthcare system to manage another spike.

Orange County Health Care Agency Spokesperson Regina Chinsio-Kwongstated that vigilance is necessary, particularly when families gather for Lunar New Year celebrations.

As for Chinsio-Kwong, coronavirus cases are starting to become stable, but there is usually a spike in hospitalizations that keeps occurring in the coming days. At least, it has been the case from earlier spikes in the coronavirus disease count.

Chinsio-Kwong also stated that Orange County expects hospitalizations to stay high. Alongside healthcare staffers becoming sick and unavailable to look after patients, it would put a strain on Orange County’s healthcare system and hospitals.

Tests and vaccination have been priority protection measures against coronavirus disease, but Orange County residents can now pick up KN-95 face masks for free. HCA Director Clayton Chaustated that KN-95 face masks would be commercially available to customers at Orange County pharmacies too. The masks can work as the best way of protecting yourself against the coronavirus Omicron strain. For your information, it is thought to be more contagious than every other coronavirus variant.

Chau stated that each adult can collect three masks from a large number of community health centers and pharmacies across the nation. Many pharmacies work with the US federal administration to distribute coronavirus vaccines through its Federal Retail Pharmacy Program. Chau said that almost every one of those pharmacies is supposed to take part in the mask delivery program. CVS, Kroger, Walgreens, Publix, Rite Aid, Sam’s Club, and Walmart locations are among the said pharmacies.